Choosing a college from the nearly 3,000 colleges and universities in the US can be an overwhelming experience for any student. For international students the college application process is often even more challenging. My 20 years of college counseling experience has brought me in touch with many international families and their children as they make this transition from high school to college.
- Many colleges have a different application form for international students. When you request an application, be certain that you let the Admissions Office know that you are an international student.
- Ask the Admissions Office if there are other students from your country attending the college. They are always a good source of information.
- Take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) &/or IELT (International English Language Test) if you are a non-native English speaker..
- Complete an International Student Statement of Financial Support. With each application to an American college or university, international students must send a document certifying the amount and source of income available to the student for study in the United States. Colleges or universities will provide the necessary forms. You must complete the form and have the financial information certified by an officer of your bank. You will need a separate form for each application, and each must be certified.
As a college counselor who has worked in international schools in Europe and the Caribbean, as well as boarding schools in the United States, I have worked with many international students and their families. The quality of educational experience, safety, and reputation of the college or university are of particular concern.
Important Links:
eduPass – Scholarships for US and Foreign National Students.
International Education Financial Aid – premier resource for financial aid, college scholarship and grant information for US and international students wishing to study abroad.
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